No Florida estate tax is due for decedents who died on or after January 1, 2005. Florida does not impose an inheritance tax or a gift tax. The combined exemption (known as a “unified credit”) from federal gift tax and the federal estate tax is $11,180,000 per person for 2018. The maximum tax rate is 40%. The estate of a decedent survived by a spouse may elect to pass any of the decedent’s unused exemption to the surviving spouse. This election, sometimes called a “portability” election, is made on a timely filed estate tax return for the decedent with a surviving spouse. The annual exclusion from the federal gift tax for lifetime gifts made in 2018 is $15,000 per taxpayer per donee (gift recipient).
No. It's MORE fun!
A regular visit with King & Wood, P.A. helps ensure that your estate plan will still work as originally designed and provides an opportunity to make any needed course corrections based on your present situation and your future goals. No drilling required! King & Wood, P.A. will have a checklist of items to review about your estate plan, but you can ask about these:
In January 2013, Congress passed the American Tax Relief Act of 2012 ("ATRA"), and President Obama signed the bill into law that same month. One important part of ATRA was to permanently implement the "portability" of the applicable exemption amount between spouses, as originally enacted by the Tax Relief, Unemployment Insurance Reauthorization, and Job Creation Act of 2010. Be sure to ask your estate planning attorney about these portability provisions. You may have to draft a new will and amend your existing revocable living trust plans. You need to do this prior to your death or your surviving spouse may be limited by your existing estate plan.
When it comes to estate planning, Roth IRAs provide one huge advantage over other tax-favored retirement accounts. If you die, your heirs can dip into an inherited Roth account without owing any federal income tax, as long as the account has been open for more than five years! So open a Roth account now to start that five-year clock ticking. Should federal income tax rates go up in the future (you never know!), funds in your Roth IRA will be unaffected. As an added bonus, a Roth IRA in your name is exempt from the required minimum distribution (RMD) rules. These rules usually require you to begin taking taxable withdrawals from other types of tax-favored retirement accounts — like traditional IRAs — after reaching age 70½. With those accounts, fail to withdraw the proper RMD amount for a year and you will owe Uncle Sam a 50% penalty on the difference between the amount you should have taken out and what you actually took out (if anything). However, with a Roth IRA, you can keep the balance undisturbed for as long as you want and continue to earn federal-income-tax-free income and gains. When you pass on, your Roth IRA balances can be left to your heirs. They are then allowed to withdraw the money federal income tax free.
You can take advantage of salary reduction contributions to a tax-favored employee benefit account to reduce your taxable income, as well as your federal and state income taxes. [For 2017, the maximum salary reduction contribution to a company 401(k) plan is $18,000 ($24,000 if you will be age 50 or older by the end of 2017).]
To decrease your tax liability, consider one of a number of gifting strategies to shift assets to your children or a charity without tax consequences. The annual gift exclusion is $14,000 in 2017, which means that you can give $14,000 per individual ($28,000 per married couple) to as many people as you desire without impacting your lifetime exemption.
You also can front-load your 529 college savings plan accounts for children/grandchildren. These accounts can be front-loaded with five years' worth of annual exclusion gifts at one time without incurring any taxable gift. This, in essence, removes these funds and future income taxes on them from your estate, and the earnings in these accounts will grow tax-deferred. Provided the distributions are used for qualified higher education expenses, they are also federal income tax free!
If you have not created a comprehensive estate plan and evaluated the impact of various taxes on your estate, then you need to speak with the experienced estate planning attorneys at King & Wood, P.A. sooner rather than later.
King & Wood, P.A.
1300 Thomaswood Drive
Tallahassee, FL 32308-7914
Co-located with the Gardner, Bist law firm.
Phone: (850) 580-7711